Mrs. R V Shah
- A Brief about yourself and how you describe your own Personality and Persona.
I am Rinky shah,34 years old from Coimbatore, a domestic goddess, married for 12 years to Vijay shah who is into business of Advanced Humanoid Robots.I am blessed with 2 lovely kids -8 years old and 4 years old.
During my leisure time, I do events and clothing business and I have done fashion designing and beautician course. I would describe myself as straight forward ,practical,punctual,jovial and a modern woman and yet rooted with traditional values and beliefs, I have a very soft corner for beggars on the roadside and sometimes, I distribute foods, blankets etc.
I love dancing,driving, travelling, photography,modeling, shopping and acting.I am good a human being, love myself and find happiness in little things I do.
As a persona - I am an extrovert and compassionate,helpful, dedicated, loyal to my family and work.I stand tall to express my opinion and I cannot be fake.I am a Fashionista and Social networking queen.
- Your Achievements that makes you feel high.
There are many achievements that makes me feel high are –
a)When I was blessed with two amazing kids.
1. When I was crowned for Mrs Deep Sakhi bridal contest and was awarded for best Smile in the year 2011, judged by actress– Hina Khan :
2. I was crowned for Best Catwalk for La ramp Momo 2013, Organized by Footloose academy
3. I was crowned for Best Catwalk for fashion event.
4. I was rewarded for Best Mentor for Princess Coimbatore 2017, Organized by Flora Events.
5. One of the finalist for Mrs India Earth 2018, Organized by Mr Vinay and Mrs Ritika.
I am half way through my dream to win the Crown for MRS INDIA EARTH 2018 which will be the biggest achievement for me.
- Define the true beauty.
True beauty lies within you is a best saying but I believe beauty is a combination of both external and internal beauty,
External beauty always attracts the attention of people wheras internal beauty stays in the mind and heart of people but True beauty is when you a have a good heart ,good character and true to yourself and when you are ready to accept who you are and have been.
- What makes a complete, healthy and happy family for you?
Family is complete,healthy and happy when there is Love,Care, Respect and Understanding for each others . Support them in their ups and down and never put them down in front of anyone.Always follow the simple rules of happy family “Forgive and Forget”.
- What is your favorite Idea of Holidaying?
The perfect idea of holidaying to me is to go for any trips with my family and friends, create good memories .For me place doesn’t matter,company matters. I would rather spend my holidays in my hometown as I have lot of memories and I always feel special and safe in my mom and dad arms.
- Why you are participating in Mrs. India Earth ?
Mrs india Earth is a platform where woman are given chance to showcase their talent and prove who theyare, it is a beautiful forum of meeting amazing people from different part of the world, build good self-confidence, learning new skills, creating strong bonding like a family within beautiful participants, new opportunities, networking, and the highlight of the competition, “The Title Itself”
- What bothers you most about what is happening in the country today?
Firstly,there is no safety for woman and children in our country as I am a woman and mother I feel unsafeand it bothers me a lot.Even lack of education and cleanliness is lacking in our country.
- The Quote or saying that encourages you?
“Whatever happens,it happens forgood”. This quote keep me motivated when new challenges come my way .
- What is true “Sportsmanship†for you?
True Sportsmanship is when you are ready to take up any challenges in your life without fear of losing or winning and giving your 200%,and even after losing you are keeping that same spark on your face with a big smile and congratulating and shaking hands with the opponent.
- If you were selected as a Charity Ambassador what Value addition would you like to make for our Society and how?
I would love to raise an awareness to raise funds for helping hands to the communities, families and children experience a life free from poverty
I would like to eliminate begging system and will try to make India a “beggar free nation” which will add value to our society. I often see Healthy mothers begging with their infacts and many kids are doing child labour and are being exploited.
I would like to open awareness classes and educate them the Importance of being human ,by providing them with an employment according to their sills and education, this will help them gain courage and confidence to earn money without begging .