Achla Bhardwaj
- A Brief about yourself and how you describe your own personality and persona.
Awarded as the Women of Influence for 2018 and Gurugram Achievers Award 2019 for my work in the field of People Transformation, I, Achla Bhardwaj am a Certified NLP Trainer by American Board of NLP. Also, an MBA from Amity University, with 19 years of experience in HR and Administration with multinational companies, I later joined my husbands business as Vice President- International Sales. Keenly observing human behavior and transforming peoples’ lives became my passion and then subsequent profession. Since three years now, I have successfully transformed Sr. Corporate Executives, got them out of depressive and stressful situations. In the NGO run by Dr. Kiran Bedi and another NGO in Gurgaon – Shiksha Sadan I trained children on Motivation and Positive Thinking. I am a strong headed woman with a heart of diamond, I am energetic, passionate, trustworthy, humourous and fun to be with. Focus and determination are my two weapons with which I always take any challenge head on. Married to a Creative Designer, I am a proud mother of 2 beautiful daughters who are my replica in beauty and brain.
- Your Achievements that makes you feel high.
Through my profession, I have been able to transform hundreds of lives. When I work with a person who is stuck with any kind of phobia for 10/15 years or who has not laughed in several years and just with 2-3 sessions with me, he is able to change his life, the joy that I receive then, after bringing happiness on peoples face is priceless and makes me strive even harder and outperform my own self. At personal front, raising my kids and keeping them humane with strong values and seeing them budding like beautiful flowers gives me eternal happiness and pride.
- Define the true beauty.
I believe True Beauty is what is pleasing to eyes and touches your soul, with equal balance of wit and humour. A blend of strength and wisdom, love and compassion that is timeless and true beauty for me.
- What makes a complete, healthy and happy family for you?
I believe that a family where each member whether youngest or oldest is loved and respected equally, where each family member has freedom yet knows his boundaries, can communicate fearlessly yet be cognisant of each others emotions, Where values of truth and humility are inculcated in children and parents are a role model for their children is a complete and healthy happy family.
- What is your favorite Idea of Holidaying?
My favourite idea of holidaying is relaxing alongside the beach in rains where the blue sea and blue sky merge. Alongside is good food, soothing light music with my friends and family and lots of laughter, fun and giggles.
- Why you are participating in Mrs India Earth?
I am participating in Mrs. India Earth to win this prestigious title because I want to become an Icon for those women, who especially after marriage confine themselves to kitchen and raising kids and feel their life is now over. I wish to tell them that if I have been able to win, so can you. So –Arise, Awake & Stop Not Till the Goal is Reached.
- What bothers you most about what is happening in the country today?
Acid attack on women and rape of infants, minors or even adult women tears my heart. It not only traumatizes these females but also creates a disgrace for our country at an international level.
- The quote or saying that encourages you.
‘How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours. This quotation is etched in my heart and completely changed my perspective about people, about life. I can proudly say that today, there is no person on this planet who I hate, because hatred would be my negative karma. I have a belief that through my hard work and efforts I can achieve anything I want, so why hate anyone, why get insecure, jealous, complaining or worry? What is destined for me, will eventually come to me.
- What is true “Sportsmanship” for you?
True Sportsmanship for me is working tirelessly and aiming to win myself yet be a team player and help other contestants wherever needed. Whether the situations are favourable or unfavourable, I just have to give my best with utmost confidence. It also means to hope for the best and prepare for the worst and take winning or not winning gracefully. If I win, I get the crown, if not, I would have won the hearts of my fellow contestants alongwith gaining new experiences and learnings. So eventually, I am a winner.
- If you were selected as a Charity Ambassador what Value addition would you like to make for our Society and how?
If I am selected as a Charity Ambassador, I would like to make women empowered at grassroot level, be it towns, cities or villages, which means making them aware of their innate potential and making them self aware and self confident. This will be a major milestone in shaping our next generation because if women are strong, the family becomes strong, when families are strong, society becomes strong, when society becomes strong, the nation becomes strong.