Deepa Jhaveri
- A Brief about yourself and how you describe your own personality and persona.
I"m a woman who plays many roles. Mother, blogger, stand up comedian, producer, crossword enthusiast, punner, host. My ability to successfully multitask has helped me achieve my goals faster. I belive that whatever you do should be your best. Never compromise on quality and effort. Even for the little things. I teach my kid to appreciate what she has. I make her travel by public transport, I do not indulge her with fancy gadgets and brands. Being grounded is essential to her growth IMO. And since I was a rank holder myself and won scholarships throughout college, i instill in her that education is paramount. However i have flaws too. I take stress and I’m a little impatient esp when it comes to time management. I’m trying to overcome that especially with my kid.
- Your Achievements that makes you feel high.
Right from my student days to my working days I’ve exceeded expectations of my parents / bosses. But what i’m proud of is what i am today. I recently started doing stand up comedy. (less tha a year). In this industry of youngsters i’m one of the few mothers i know of... where all the others are nearly half my age. And can proudly say am making a mark. I took my passion for comedy one step further and became a producer where my venue showcases other upcoming talents too.
- Define the true beauty.
Beauty is what beauty does. It’s very easy to buy beauty. There are enough cosmetics and surgeons in the market who will give the perfect look. But that will fade with time. What matters is what is inside you. How good a human you are. How you respect people , your kindness, your compassion and how stand by your beliefs when the world says otherwise. True beauty will shine through way long after your wrinkles line your face.
- What makes a complete, healthy and happy family for you?
I’m blessed with the family I have. I’m fortunate to have a supportive husband and a responsible daughter. We are different individuals with different temperaments. But we all share some core values. We honestly communicate with each other and are back bones for each other. We also give each other a fair amount of space as i think it’s healthy to grow as individuals. Of course we have our disagreements but communication and sorting it out with the best solution has helped. Mutual respect for each other and valuing each others opinions has helped too. My daughter saying that she loves Holidaying and going out with us is testimony indeed.
- What is your favorite Idea of Holidaying?
We travel every year. Fortunately all of us enjoy places rich in History, culture and food. Every holiday we create more memories, happy memories. Whether Europe or Africa or Asia... museums and places of historic importance are a must. Since my husband is a foodie, we also check out local cuisines . Whatever we do, we do together! However, we’ve had some amazing times with our extended families at local destinations too. I love it when the whole family travels together... the fun, food, masti, fights, tears, hugs, drama..etc all add to the excitement!
- Why you are participating in Mrs India Earth?
It was not a conscious decsion to participate in the pageant. It was a whim. I’ve given the best years of my life to looking after my family and raising my kid. Now that she’s independent i feel free to tap my potential. I want to get out of my comfort zone and do things for myself. I did comedy... someone who was not considered funny at all!! This pageant is another thing I’ll strike off my bucket list :)
- What bothers you most about what is happening in the country today?
Lack of security for women. In Mumbai, we don’t feel as threatened as the rest of the country. But when I read of stories of the struggles women face and how they are targeted in the interiors I feel shocked and helpless at the same time.I think women will be truly empowered when they can express themselves freely and fearlessly ... with the confidence of a strong law and order behind them.
- The Quote or saying that encourages you?
PUSH YOURSELF... AS NOBODY IS GONNA DO IT FOR YOU. I truly believe this. I’m happy to say that I’m a self made woman. I have never taken any favours nor given any. Right from my childhood days, i chose my own study stream, my own profession, my own husband. I was never influenced by what my siblings / family did. You make your own path and you are responsible for it... success and failure, you are responsible for both.
- What is true “Sportsmanship” for you?
It’s very easy to be cheerful and encouraging to others when you are a winner. But true sportsmanship is being happy and gracious when you are a loser. It’s not easy to be magnanimous in your loss. 10. Whether I win or not... I’ve always supported the education of the girl child. Earlier i was associated with a NGO for under privileged children.
- If you were selected as a Charity Ambassador what Value addition would you like to make for our Society and how?
Whether I win or not... I’ve always supported the education of the girl child. Earlier i was associated with a NGO for under privileged children. But I prefer educating the girl child... and am doing so in my own little way. By supporting the kids of my domestic help. Given the opportunity, I hope to reach and influence a wider audience for the same cause.