Nimmy Rachel Koshy
- A Brief about yourself and how you describe your own personality and persona.
I Nimmy Rachel Koshy, 28 years, married, and have 2 kids aged 3 and 1 year. I am a post graduate and presently working as a teacher at Trivandrum. My father being a Central Govt employee, got chance to live, study/work at Chennai, Hyderabad, Pune, Banglore, Coimbatore, Puducherry, Trivandrum, and to visit many North Indian States. I am conversant with different languages and familiar with culture of various States. Learnt Bharatanatyam, and keen in participating various cultural activities, dance classes to students, anchoring school functions etc. . I am fully content with myself, giving importance to human values, to remain pleasant at all times, well-connected with friends and relatives, strive to keep environment clean and tidy, set things in order at work place and home, little bit of gardening and cooking, etc. As teacher, a mentor for my students to become good human beings, and to make them real asset for the society. Further, I am measuring success in quality of life and not in economic terms.
- Your Achievements that makes you feel high.
I am fortunate, belongs to Kerala, a beautiful place in India. From a middle class nuclear family, my parents provided and encouraged us (two daughters) quality education, moral teachings, and extra-curricular activities. I am always approachable to my parents, and they gave a patient hearing in each and every issues. They see everything with a non-serious eye, but absolutely involved and devoted for a solution They taught me, not to cry about every little thing that happens, and to overcome it by consciously, wisely, honestly, to maintain happiness. Also learnt from them, constantly looking at the rear view mirror will make me crash. It is due to my parents, what I am till now, and all my achievements owe to them. At the age 18, we are all complan boys & girls, for which the credit goes to the Parents. What I am at 80, will speak my achievements. Therefore, the forthcoming achievements will be added to my credit.
- Define the true beauty.
There is a wrong notion in our society that beauty means attractive or good looks, and some are benefited out of it. The beauty of the flowers in the desert or precious stones in the deep sea are never come to the lime-light. Many talents, due to their circumstances or lack of good looks, remain hidden from the mainstream. Recent talent shows take to fame, many of such hidden germs through media. For me, beauty is 360 degree, i.e. the quality of a person must inspire and motivate in some way. Overall, a role model with an human touch and contributor to society. An up-right human-being, added with an above average commonsense and intelligence is the true beauty. Appearance, talents and other capabilities are equally important, but as added accessories.
- What makes a complete, healthy and happy family for you?
Every cell in our body is working for our well-being, and naturally will be healthy by fine-tuning our system,. Being a teacher, I have responsibilities at home as well as at work place. I get up early in the morning, make a quick home work, on what all to be done for the day, meditation for few minutes followed by a small prayer to refresh and relax my body and mind. While doing a job, I fully concentrate and focus on it. I am generally vegetarian and did not skip meals, especially breakfast. Daily exercise makes me physically and mentally fit. At home or at workplace, I give respect to every person irrespective of their level or background, care and patience especially with children and elders to win their trust, handle everyone's feelings with care and respect, spend quality time with loved ones, share the problems within the group for solution. I always trying to be part of the solution and not part of the problem. For me, happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from my own actions.”
- What is your favorite Idea of Holidaying?
I am from a middle income group, and my way of holidaying is generally of one day trips to some nearby places keeping cost-effective. Wake up early in the morning, preparing food related to local festivals, dine together with all family members, spending quality time with loved-ones, visiting holy places, historical places, amusement park, hill resorts, meeting childhood friends, visiting relatives especially sick and aged at their place etc. I love to visit the native village of my parents, enjoy the scenic greenery and forest like atmosphere covered with small hills and plantation crops, walking along the riverside and agricultural field, converse with birds and domestic animals, taking traditional food at relatives and friends place, seeing a cinema in a theatre etc are all my way of holidaying.
- Why you are participating in Mrs India Earth?
The support and motivation given by close family members and friends from my childhood, to attend extra curricular activities and competitions, encouraged me to participate in Mrs India Earth. Further, I need to continuously improve for the better, and strive for excellence. My purpose of life and imagination is, how can I leave the world better than I came into it, and handover to future generations. The happiest part is, this competition is an opening, to work as a Charity Ambassador which is a privilege and huge responsibility. Further there are only few platforms for married women, to show their potential and passion. I am thankful for getting a chance to expose my talents in this contest. Qualification only give entry, it is the competence, that ultimately works.
- What bothers you most about what is happening in the country today?
India is facing a number of burning issues such as terrorism and extremism, hostile boarder nations, receding glaciers to rising sea level. Gender inequality, rise in population, child mortality, low literacy rate, un-employment, drug addiction, increasing accidents, scarcity in food, wastage and adulteration of food, polluted rivers, contaminated water, lack of quality hospitals & educational institutions, flood & drought, disappointed farmers & their suicide, rise in chemical and toxic waste, plastic menace, air pollution, lack of social security to aged/poor/needy. De-forestation, rising court cases, economic slowdown, etc. These are due to selfish and corrupt administration. As a whole, we are one among the lowest in Human Quality Index. All the issues are linked one with the other. There is some progress in some areas, but stringent measures required, to build a strong and welfare Nation. Mahatma Gandhi rightly stated, we have enough for our need, but not for our greed.
- The Quote or saying that encourages you?
Consult not your fear, but your hopes and dreams. Think not about your frustrations, but about your unfulfilled potential. Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in, but with what is still possibilities for you to do. (Pope John Paul).
- What is true “Sportsmanship” for you?
Each person has his share of suffering and pain, and some way we all break at some time. In such adversity, most of them break down, and only few break-through. In most instances, we solve them without much trouble with quick solutions or using strategy. At times, life challenges us, with difficult problem cause a great deal of stress and anxiety. No work is stressful, if we have the ability to manage our body, mind and emotions Facing challenges boldly, learn from others mistakes, and courageous to overcome fear, anger, misery, frustration, depression and hopelessness are the requirements. Not just muscular bodies, but sharp brains, smart actions. acts of kindness and trust, and most importantly, the spirit of putting our interest below others, makes true sportsmanship.
- If you were selected as a Charity Ambassador what Value addition would you like to make for our Society and how?
There are many people in our society who are less privileged such as aged, sick, widow, destitute, orphan etc. I will take this privilege as a great responsibility to stand with them and to help the poorest of the poor in the society. I will do my responsibilities with a high sense of dedication and with an open heart. Will do the best efforts, to take up things with Govt authorities, local self help groups, and willing corporates to mobilise funds, arranging various welfare schemes, which they lawfully eligible. Never do anything for my personal gains. If supposed to handle any funds, will do it without any misuse or overuse. Will keep a watchful eye on all the activities of the organisation to avoid negative criticism, and ensure each penny reached to the needy. Being a beginner, this much only I can assure at the moment.