Mrs. M Mundada
- A Brief about yourself and how you describe your own Personality and Persona.
My personality can be described by words like attractive, convincing, inspiring, passionate and enthusiastic person. I am a lecturer by profession and consider obstacles as strength. I had always done my best in academics as well as in profession. I strongly believe enthusiastic dreams and passion, makes everything happen. Persona - Defines by 3E's - Energetic, Enthusiastic, and Excitement.
- Your Achievements that makes you feel high
Being a mother is the greatest achievement of my life. I took a break in my academics and devoted whole 5 years of my life after marriage for my boy. And his support and love only made me more strong and capable for whatever I am today. In Academics: I have completed M.Phil (A+) grade and Post-Graduation (First class). I am on the verge for submitting of my PhD thesis. I am the youngest and third women as researcher in North Maharashtra University. I have 20 paper publications in International and national conferences on my name. In Profession: Because of my management skills, I am Head of Department (Computer Science) from last 9 years in Senior Section, Pratap College, Amalner. I have 300 students and 8 lecturers as a complete team. I have headed my department in front of many professional committees like NAAC, LIC. In extra-activity: I work proactively for an NGO that works in youths to address their educational issues and provide platform for character building. I am also a poetess and published a few poems on line “HIGH ON POEMSâ€. Apart from the above all, I live every day of my life with a learning attitude and nourish my inner values with content and satisfaction, which I believe in itself a great achievement because success is not determined with how much wealth you have, it is always how you lived your life.
- Define the true beauty.
For me “True beauty†is that smile which conveyspositive energy and is always warm and welcoming to others. Moreover, the combination of the body and the soul which enricheslife and makes society a better place to live, means true beauty to me.
- What makes a complete, healthy and happy family for you?
Family is place where joy and happiness happens even in small moments. The fun which is felt everyday while playing together, making drawing, celebrating festivals, planning surprises, having dinners together, watching movies and where everyone cares for each other dreams and feelings.
- What is your favourite Idea of Holidaying?
Holidaying is perfect plan out for coming closer and deeper with relations. Sunrises, beaches with arms together; Food and drinks splash out further. Adventurous and delightful dances; Satisfaction filled up in soul enhances. Priceless moments gifted with pleasure; Living with joy and happiness as a treasure. To trip, to travel, to adventure, to be funny; With perfect near and dear ones, is holidaying. Even other idea of Holiday, does not necessarily mean leisure, the change in work type can also give similar pleasure of holidaying.
- Why you are participating in Mrs India Earth?
Mrs. India Earth is a platform which enriches women with her strengths and qualities. I belong to very reserved family, married and settled in a rural place. The women are kept in purdha and never allowed to move out alone. But my strong will, convincing power and never to give up attitude changed the mentality and thinking habitat of my family members and society around me. I feel this platform is undiscovered in my society yet for women. So certainly this will open up new gateways for many women out there who want to be something and prove in their life.
- What bothers you most about what is happening in the country today?
“Unemployment†and “Poverty†are the most urging issues in India. There are still many people without homes, children without education and youths without jobs. India is a country with a mixtureof people where 80% of thembelong to youths. This human resource must be utilized entirely which will benefit them as well as boast the economic development of our country.
- The Quote or saying that encourages you?
I strongly believe in “If opportunity doesn't knock the door, build the doorâ€.
- What is true “Sportsmanship†for you?
Never to give up and to consider the obstacles as challenges. Always to keep in mind that water is even water until it reaches 100 Degree Celsius, after that only steam is created which is used to move engines. Gold is considered as gold, only when it reaches the melting point of 1003 Degree Celsius. What I want to convey here is, we need to go certain set of hurdles to achieve something in life. Thus, problems are ways to nourish and develops the hidden qualities in us.It’s not about always winning matches, competition etc. It’s about winning hearts of all. It’s nothing about ‘me’ (personal win) – The aim is the win for my team, my society, my county, my humanity.
- If you were selected as a Charity Ambassador what Value addition would you like to make for our Society and how?
My dream is to setup a NGO named “Ananya†which deals for women empowerment and child education. Most of the women are gifted with skillsets like multitasking and patience. So this peculiar quality that can make wonders in society if channelized thru proper channel. It is very true if you educate a women, you are educating generations. Being a teacher by profession I feel education can only bring the change we wish to see in the society. It is truly said, “If you are planning for a year, sow rice; if you are planning for a decade, plant trees; if you are planning for a lifetime, educate people.â€