Mrs. P Shah
- A Brief about yourself and how you describe your own Personality and Persona.
I am a 36 year “Young†woman, an archetype of a typical Indian woman who has been brought up with these important values; Kindness, Honesty, Humbleness, Lovingness and Virtuousness. And all of these qualities combined together make my persona. I am feisty, yet resilient. I live life with fervour, where I never feel bored, stagnant or stuck- a life in which I am constantly excited and inspired. Though I come from a very humble background, I have kept myself growing and learning with a zest. Coming from a small town called Bhavnagar in Gujarat, I have been an entrepreneur to a model, to a HR professional, to a soft skills trainer. And my epitome of success in life has been to become a mother to 2 beautiful children.
- Your Achievements that makes you feel high.
I have been very lucky to follow my dreams with passion and unwavering tenacity. And at a very young age, though from a very small town, I got to be famous face through modelling and anchoring. And at that time, when I did not have a deeper perspective of life, it made me feel high. But later on, when I became a manager in HR in a MNC and I got a chance to work for social causes in the company, I was successful in convincing the directors and promoting the education drive for the less privileged children. We sponsored the education of 100 families and I am so glad that I pioneered this project in 2007 and even after my leaving the company it is still being continued and still being carried out. Touching and altering the lives of these children and henceforth their families gives me a feeling of epic achievement today.
- Define the true beauty.
There is no doubt that there is a great value assigned to external beauty. But to be beautiful inside and outside, you must possess more than a pretty shell. You need to be elegant- and it is not only about appearance, but also about your movement, personal style and behaviour. To be elegant is to be strong, confident, compassionate, deliberate, courageous and assured in who you are and to radiate that energy wherever you go.
- What makes a complete, healthy and happy family for you?
A Healthy and happy family is as we usually perceive, the one which eats together, prays together and laughs together. Obviously these are very important parameters of a happy family. But according to me, a happy family is where the individuals strive to reduce stress of each other, no matter how distant they are. A family which cultivates positive environment by striking a balance between strictness and empowerment in the family. A family which have difference of opinion and disagree on each other’s ideology, but still their hearts are knit together with love and respect. And where they support each other and encourage each other in all situations. All of these above the normal eat, pray and laugh makes a family happy, healthy and complete.
- What is your favourite Idea of Holidaying?
My favourite idea of holidaying is going away to a serene place, which has abundance of nature and a historical connection which would allow me to relax, rejuvenate and also let me explore the nuances of every culture attached to that particular place.
- Why you are participating in Mrs India Earth?
I am participating in this pageant because, one thing, it is an enormous and most prestigious platform to put myself in and to challenge myself to compete at this level and by winning this title, make my family proud.
- What bothers you most about what is happening in the country today?
Every country on its journey to development has its own sets of problems. And as a citizen of the country, it is our duty to make our own little contribution towards its development. But I am too disheartened to see that a few people with a mental block, are unable to accept the changes the authority is trying to bring. And it has become a fad to demonstrate protest for any difficult and unacceptable changes being brought in the country. So in order to bring about a change in the country, we need to understand the whole perspective in a broader way, rather than finding our own benefit in it and show readiness to make that change and follow the rules and policies the government brings is what a mature citizen should do. When we have a larger group of such citizens, the day is not far, when our country will be the most developed and dynamic country of the world.
- The Quote or saying that encourages you?
“No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show upâ€- Regina Brett. We all have personal pool of quicksand inside us, but we need to stop sinking in it and getting up and facing it until it goes away. So get up- face the day mightily instead of surrendering to it. Dress up- dress up at your best, it gives confidence and re assurance and finally Show up- Bring the best in you and do it at your fullest.
- What is true “Sportsmanship†for you?
True sportsmanship to me is accepting defeat graciously and take a learning from each failure. And while competing, making sure that all ethical and moral values are abided by.
- If you were selected as a Charity Ambassador what Value addition would you like to make for our Society and how?
If I were selected as a charity Ambassador, I would like to work for cancer patients, as I have seen it very closely and experienced a loved one going through the trauma, it gives. The journey is not only costly but also very challenging. I would give my service in A) Counselling for anxiety and depression on deepest level, help with all emotional psychosocial complications patients face. B) Helping them deal with the physical changes and body image issues. C) Recommending and facilitating support groups to the patients. D) Going to the grass root level and helping them understand the disease, diagnosis and treatment options. E) Counselling with patients family to help the patient deal with the disease. Hence make their journey less painful. And do all such small things which could make a difference in their lives. Because I truly believe what mother Teresa said – “Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great Love.â€