Mrs. R Sreerangam
- A Brief about yourself and how you describe your own Personality and Persona.
If I have to describe myself in one word, I would call myself a Student. I believe every day there is something new that life teaches you. I love traveling and meeting different people and imbibing their good qualities. I also believe that what you give is what you get. I always strive to be the source of happiness to the people around me and that in turn makes me happy.
- Your Achievements that makes you feel high
- My family is my biggest achievement. When I look at my kids and see the kind of individuals they are shaping out to be I have the satisfaction of seeing huge returns on the time and love I have invested in them. - Many unemployed individuals were helped
- Define the true beauty.
Anything that makes you happy is beautiful. It can be anything that brings a smile to your face - happy faces, beautiful sunsets, chanting a prayer, moments when you feel the divine.
- What makes a complete, healthy and happy family for you?
For me Happiness , good health, love, moderation and satisfaction are the key ingredients. Family members have to be happy, be in good health, find pleasure in the day to day stuff. Good food is essential, it has to be healthy and at the same time tasty. I don't believe in eating food that tastes like cardboard just because it is healthy. If there is an opportunity to live with parents then that would be the best situation. I believe we always need the support and guidance from our parents and the unconditional love they shower on our kids cannot match up to anything we can get for our kids.
- What is your favourite Idea of Holidaying?
Going some place that is away from the hustle and bustle of city life with my loved ones is my idea of holidaying. When I am on vacation I don't like to follow a schedule. There is no check list to be ticked away.
- Why you are participating in Mrs India Earth?
My husband brought my attention to a Facebook advertisement and asked if I wanted to go for it as a joke and I said yes. But when I started reading about it I felt this was a good opportunity for me to groom myself, develop my personality some more and meet new people from various places and learn new things. I want to do this for myself, for my betterment.
- What bothers you most about what is happening in the country today?
I am shaken to the core when I read about the inhumane nature of people indulging in cruelty towards fellow human beings. Incidents of sex offense has become so rampant. Basic human rights are at risk and this scares me.
- The Quote or saying that encourages you?
This quote by Swami Vivekananda has been the corner stone of my want to be the person I am today. 'We are what our thoughts have made us; so take care about what you think. Words are secondary. Thoughts live; they travel far.' If I can live my life without hurting anybody and be a positive influence in the lives of people around me I will consider that my existence on this earth has been meaningful.
- What is true “Sportsmanship†for you?
Enjoy the game to the fullest irrespective of the result and if you can be happy at your opponents win as you would be at your own is true Sportsmanship.
- If you were selected as a Charity Ambassador what Value addition would you like to make for our Society and how?
Work for and serve the cause of underprivileged women and children by starting a Free service organisation for the Empowerment of Women and Children. Provide them Basic Education and Teach them Skills for Self Employment and Help them to lead a better Standard of Value based Living.