Anumeha Thakur
- A Brief about yourself and how you describe your own personality and persona.
I’m a sociable, witty, compassionate and courageous person who doesn’t shy away from breaking from conventions when there aren’t good reasons in them. I’m a change communications consultant by profession and quite passionate about it. I have a Master’s degree in business administration and have been working in global corporations based around the world. I have a varied set of hobbies and interests that keep me mentally and physically active. I’m a feminist who believes that equal treatment for women should be non-negotiable. Growing up in different parts of India, I enjoyed embracing the diversity, as my father served in the Indian Air Force. I believe that our strengths lie in our heterogeneity and we must leverage that to grow as individuals and as a nation. It prepared me to take on bigger endeavors fearlessly. I currently reside in England, UK and have a loving, progressive family that I absolutely adore. I do not strive for perfection, rather focus on continuous improvement and root for ‘Kaizen’ as the Japanese call it. I try to see the bright side of things and this helps me stay happy in most situations. I believe that a happy woman is better than a perfect woman.
- Your Achievements that make you feel high.
One incident that I vividly remember was back when I was working for a software company in Bangalore. It was in July 2008 when as a part of a terrorist activity a series of nine bombs exploded across the city, one of them very close to our office location. There was a complete state of chaos and panic in the office and at that moment I decided to take charge and made sure every single person left the office safe to reach home, including the office boys. I was the last person to leave the office, after ensuring there’s no one else who needs help. The next day our managing director and my manager walked up to me to thank me for my actions. I hope it never comes to that but if I’m put in a similar situation, I’d do it again in a heartbeat. I believe when times are tough is when you really get to see your own true self and I’m glad I don’t disappoint myself. Although I’ve worked sincerely to accomplish most goals that I had set for myself, both professional and personal, I feel high about the values I’ve built for myself, more than any of my material achievements.
- Define true beauty.
To me, true beauty is a selfless act of kindness. A person who has compassion in their heart and courage in their mind to take that step and make a change for the better, however big or small it may be, is truly beautiful. It is a rarity that is worth celebrating if you do find it.
- What makes a complete, healthy and happy family for you?
A home where children learn gratitude and compassion and parents/elders learn tolerance and acceptance is a happy home. A family that thrives on open communications that is based on reason and respect rather than fear or authority, is a complete, healthy and happy family. It’s essential that we give equal attention to mental health while working on physical health. In addition, the family must eat healthy and exercise as a matter of everyday lifestyle. Good habits in children should be introduced at an early age. I do my best to practice these in my own household.
- What is your favorite Idea of Holidaying?
Oh, the Mediterranean warm turquoise sea with white soft sandy beaches, great food, good music, a quaint little old town nearby that has cobbled streets and beautiful boutique shops and the company of my loved ones. Life is blissful in such a place. Holiday is a time when I try to find a moment to connect with my soul and bond with my loved ones. It recharges me to take on life with more energy and enthusiasm. I also enjoy stepping out of my comfort zone on occasions, to explore uncommon destinations and experience the culture and lifestyle of the locals and this helps me learn more about the world we live in.
- Why you are participating in Mrs India Earth?
It was actually a ‘light bulb moment’ for me. I believe this platform looks beyond apparent beauty and attracts smart, forward thinking women who are more well-rounded in their achievements and personalities. It’s a great opportunity to push myself and see how far I go. It’ll surely be an achievement to be recognized at this level and it might even open doors to other international forums. I’m also passionate about a few humanitarian causes and I’m hoping a platform like this would help me connect with the right people so I can drive things at a larger scale. In the process, I wish to befriend like-mined people who have done well so far and have the desire to do better for themselves and for the world, in their own ways.
- What bothers you most about what is happening in the country today?
I think we’ve digressed from focusing on strengthening the fundamentals for the development of our country. Our efforts should be channelized towards improving the infrastructure to support the rising population, providing safety and security for the public, especially women, providing quality education and healthcare to everyone even at the grassroot level, establishing a strong legal system that provides speedy justice at least in cases of grave crime, creating more quality jobs for people within the country. Instead, people are divided for trivial, insignificant reasons and are not able to see the bigger picture together and that is what bothers me the most. I believe that India has a strong constitution that supports democracy and works for everyone, so in my opinion, it’s just a matter of getting our priorities right.
- The Quote or saying that encourages you?
‘’Courage, dear heart.’’ (The Chronicles of Narnia)
- What is true “Sportsmanship” for you?
Keeping the ‘spirit of the game’ far ahead of winning or losing which is about respecting yourself, your teammates and opponents and the game itself, while striving to be the best, is true sportsmanship. Staying humble when you win and courageous when you lose is vital to succeeding in the long run.
- If you were selected as a Charity Ambassador what Value addition would you like to make for our Society and how?