Neetu Singhal
- A Brief about yourself and how you describe your own personality and persona.
Describe myself Bubbly and Child like nature and very curious human being. At the same time determined and dedicated techie in profession, married to my best friend an Army officer since last 17 years, I have 12 years old daughter, who is great source of my energy, motivation and encouragement, I am also health freak and love to run for marathon.
- Your Achievements that makes you feel high.
I am very proud to have achieved great work life balance. Being married to an army officer where we must change base every 2 years. I have managed to create balance professionally to such an extent that reached to position of Chief Software Architect in fortune 500 company at a very early stage, which can take ages to achieve. However, most rewarding moments are when I see love and respect for me in the eyes of my family.
- Define the true beauty.
The saying goes that beauty lies in the eyes of beholder. For some external beauty matters and for some it is internal beauty. But I believe true beauty is mixture of internal and external qualities along with being a good human being.
- What makes a complete, healthy and happy family for you?
I believe in the family which eats together, stays together, prays together and laughs together. But Healthy and Happy family is where the everyone strive to reduce stress of each other in this stressful life, no matter how distant they are.
- What is your favorite Idea of Holidaying?
Holiday is even more hectic than my professional life. In holidays I am out most of the time, in streets, exploring city, cuisines, culture, taking pictures and surely shopping.
- Why you are participating in Mrs India Earth?
Over the years I have been fully concentrating in my profession henceforth never got a chance to look within myself and now when I settled in my techie world, so have enough chance to peep within and explore myself, what better way than a beauty pageant to find my positive and feel beautiful within. It is really an honor and great source of motivation for me to be finalist of such magnificent platform of National pageant Mrs. India Earth.
- What bothers you most about what is happening in the country today?
Youth of today is confused in this whole world with too much of information floating via social media. Extracting the right info is also not easy through. The technologies and offers of these sites are such that they fascinate and attract the youth and teenage. Peer pressure, Disparity sometimes leads to crime. Until unless Youth is harnessed in the right direction, we can not make good nation.
- The Quote or saying that encourages you?
Life is one time offer use it well.
- What is true “Sportsmanship” for you?
Life is full of winners and losers. Being a loser does not mean that failed, It means that you are experienced. However, we should learn from our mistakes because if mistake is repeated numerous times then it is stupidity.
- If you were selected as a Charity Ambassador what Value addition would you like to make for our Society and how?
As a charity queen of Mrs. India Earth, I would like to organize awareness workshop for schools, colleges and corporates, requesting them to donate for mother earth for more greener and healthier. Empowering the youth’s knowledge about the mother earth will also help me to empower the cause financially.