Dr. N Joshi
- A Brief about yourself and how you describe your own Personality and Persona.
Extroverted, friendly, compassionate, deeply caring about not just my family, but all those around me – this describes me best. I find people often seeking me out and coming to me with their woes and problems; and I will never turn them away. I feel it is essential for everyone to have a sense of humour, and the ability to laugh at themselves – and this trait is something I possess. All things considered, I am basically a simple and easy-going person, yet extremely passionate about matters that are close to my heart.
- Your Achievements that makes you feel high
One of the highlights of my medical career was when I was awarded the title of Outstanding Young Person of Gwalior, at the age of 28. An all-round sportsperson, I represented Madhya Pradesh at volleyball, and won the award of Best Volleyball Player by the Health Minister of the state. Similarly, I was a quality track and field athlete, excelling at the short sprints, shot putt and javelin throw. I was the captain of my University cricket team, and have continued to play cricket whenever I can get time away from my demanding job as Consultant Ophthalmologist, with a busy practice. I enjoy singing; and have been part of quality singing groups that have performed on the semi-professional stage.
- Define the true beauty.
The saying “Beauty is skin deep†is very true. Indeed, the other saying, “Handsome is as handsome does†is even more true. It really does not matter whether your face is classically beautiful, or whether your physique is that of the generally accepted notion of a beauty queen. Beauty should come from inside; and, when your actions are beautiful, that inner joy reflects on your own countenance and produces a glow that no cosmetics can create! This is true beauty.
- What makes a complete, healthy and happy family for you?
A family, not necessarily nuclear, but one in which every member of all generations pulls for every other member is the ideal family. A husband should be intensely supportive of all the hobbies and interests of his wife. A wife would take great pride in all the achievements of her husband as well as children. A son should be able to ask his mother any question under the earth, serene in the confidence that he will receive an honest and comprehensive reply. A daughter should enjoy the company of her grandfather, and be able to show the old man off to her own friends, with pride and affection. In essence, that is my ideal of a complete, happy and healthy family.
- What is your favourite Idea of Holidaying?
I am immensely fond of all the members of my family and extended family; and love to have them around when I am travelling on vacation. Visiting a relative or good friend, either in a faraway Indian city or overseas, and spending quality time with them, is an equally alluring thought. Certainly, the occasional romantic getaway with my husband, without anyone else in tow, is equally essential to rekindle the magic in a long, durable and stable marriage.
- Why you are participating in Mrs India Earth?
The objective of this beauty contest, if I have understood it correctly, is to project a role model; not necessarily a model, in the generally accepted sense of the term. I may not possess either the classical outer beauty or artificial sophistication of the kind of woman who would normally be tempted to take part in such a beauty contest. But I do feel I have certain qualities that qualify me as a role model for other women. I would like to tell all women that each one of them is special, and has the inner power of being able to achieve their most cherished dream, whether or not they get the support of their near and dear ones.
- What bothers you most about what is happening in the country today?
The biggest problem is obvious – women’s safety and freedom. Every other day, one reads horrifying stories of rape, domestic violence and ill-treatment of women. Indeed, the portrayal of women in the media is hardly edifying, and needs to be tackled on a priority basis. Another matter that bothers me, as a medical professional, is the poor filtration of healthcare at the village level. We are still unable to provide proper healthcare to over 50% of all villagers in this country; and that is a very sad statistic.
- The Quote or saying that encourages you?
My favourite quote: “Always be thankful to those people who said ‘no’ to you in lifeâ€. It is only because of them that I was able to do it all myself.
- What is true “Sportsmanship†for you?
Sportsmanship, in its true sense, is not restricted to sports and games alone, but is equally applicable to our day-to-day life. True sportsmanship, to me, is having mutual respect for those around you, believing in teamwork, indulging in fair play, maintaining openness of heart and respect for discipline, and accepting whatever results come your way; and continuing to be cheerful, even in defeat. It is truly said that it is much more difficult to be a gracious loser than it is to be a good winner.
- If you were selected as a Charity Ambassador what Value addition would you like to make for our Society and how?
I would like to do my utmost for women’s upliftment and empowerment, to ensure that they get their due position in society. As a mother of two girls, I have impressed upon them the need to be well educated and placed in life, with a view to being financially independent at all times. The base of a good marriage is mutual respect, even more than love. In the unlikely or traumatic event of their marriages breaking down, they should be able to stand on their own feet, and look after their children, even with no help from their former spouses.