Mrs. J J Rego
- A Brief about yourself and how you describe your own Personality and Persona.
Straightforward, loyal, presentable, very friendly and caring towards senior citizens and kids, courageous – ready to face any entity or group or talk about a given topic without fear if related to any assignment, Hard/smart worker – to complete an assignment on a given deadline. Quick learner, very talkative, adaptable to any changing work environment and requires less and at times no supervision.
- Your Achievements that makes you feel high
Not achieved anything in terms of professional or educational level since I had to join job as early as possible in order to support my family. Getting a job in U.A.E. was more important that time since my family were living in rented home for years and I wanted them to have at least a standard life like other relatives by buying our own home. Finally, after a long struggle I manage to own a home in 2015. Since life is settled only now, I have plans for year 2019 to start achieving in terms of education level.
- Define the true beauty.
True Beauty as per me is which brings a big smile on your face and peace in your heart, you forget all your tensions for some time and get lost in that beauty. I believe true beauty is in god’s creation, which is nature – that has different types of animals (mane of male lion, feathers of peacock, Zebra stripes, and spots on the leopard etc), birds (different color & kinds), fishes and human. When I say human the true beauty is always seen in newborn baby and kids who are cute and pure in their original way.
- What makes a complete, healthy and happy family for you?
People living in joint family including the pets are actually complete family. However, since is not possible in some cases, as per me Father, Mother, kids and pets living in the same home and eating healthy food that is cooked at home is complete and healthy family. When we teach kids, the importance to adding salad/fruits, the food gets even healthier. For a happy family, you must pray, eat and sleep together. Nowadays parents and kids are more in mobile phone and internet instead, every family must have weekend outings and get together that will add happiness.
- What is your favourite Idea of Holidaying?
Holiday should be with the entire family and friends in big group that too to such a place where you don’t find internet, mobile or TV connection. I wish to go to Safari Holidays in Africa, where I can live with my family and friends on a tree house, with no disturbance from company calls & emails. Kids can feel & see what actually nature is and how the animals live. Instead of vehicles, would like to ride on an Elephant, enjoy the natural waterfall and non-contaminated river. See the pride of lions and other group of animals living together.
- Why you are participating in Mrs India Earth?
I always wanted to work for the poor/needy since my life is full of struggle and nobody helped me when I was in need. Charity is something even if I do it won’t help anyone much since I am from a budgeted family. When I came across the Mrs. India Earth contest, I understood that you are doing those related things in charity what I was looking for. To come across your organization and bring my dream project into reality I applied for this contest. I am not participating to win the crown but to get successful in my Dream Project.
- What bothers you most about what is happening in the country today?
What bothers me more is the brutality and the way of delayed judgement declared for a particular act. Why judgement/punishment is not fixed for a brutal crime in our country. To bring a child to this world is real pain and then we strive to grow that child as a good citizen with good education. Once a parent has gone thru all this stages, XYZculprit come up with their lust/personal issue and spoils that life. End of the day the parents of the victim suffers not the culprit.
- The Quote or saying that encourages you?
Success isn’t about how much money you make, it’s about the difference you make in people’s lives.
- What is true “Sportsmanship†for you?
True sportsmanship is an attitude that will be appreciated at the time of winning and losing. Once you win, you need to be more respectful towards your opponent who has lost. You need to be fair while you judge your players who has actually worked on the winning. Even if you fail, it is OK since its part of the game. The leader who will cheer the team after losing and encourage them to come up with more spirit for winning in the next attempt has true sportsmanship quality in him. After all participation is more important than winning.
- If you were selected as a Charity Ambassador what Value addition would you like to make for our Society and how?
A proper guidance and moral support in education will bring a big change in human life. Every kid should have equal rights for getting proper education. Would like to have an awareness campaign for those poor parents who wish to send their kids to private schools for a better education and at the same time will be approaching big companies with our idea of enrolling them in charity programs to help those poor parents who are in our list. Software with username & password will also be provided to companies, which will give them details on how their charity is being used and will help to build up a kid’s future.