Mrs. S Sibu
- A Brief about yourself and how you describe your own Personality and Persona.
Im someone who is very fun loving person and very happy go around and at the same time im emotional and soft hearted too. I am a family loving person with not leaving my career behind, giving equal importance to my career goals. I always am dedicated to whatever goals and targets i have set in my life and im very confident in whatever tasks i undertake. Im the one who always strive hard to keep my family and my team in office happy with my behavior and whatever best possible ways.
- Your Achievements that makes you feel high
My greatest achievement was to fulfill by goal of becoming an entrepreneur at a very young age. The dream of my childhood to start my own business was the biggest achievement for me. Though as it is said that nothing comes easy, even i had to struggle lot to make this dream come true. But dedication and confident was always there hand in hand with me, and so nothing pulled me back.
- Define the true beauty.
Beauty for me was always internal and never was it external. Beauty cannot be judged or defined looking at the other persons face, but is always the inner quality and human quality of the person which will tell how beautiful he/she is. Beauty for me is always measured with the smile and happiness on ones face. A beautiful people will always be kind, humble, polite, loving and caring towards others. Inner beauty is never lost with age, it always stays with the person till his life time and it keeps him beautiful forever.
- What makes a complete, healthy and happy family for you?
For me a complete family is when there is blessing and caring of elders and where there is love and affection between all family members. A complete family is where all three generation stays together with lot of fun and love and care. For a happy family the last thing what comes is money, before that there has to be lot of bonding and respect and trust between each family member. Happy family is where all the members spend quality time with each other discussing their own happiness and sadness and where they share all the good and bad with each other. Healthy family is the one who eats together and prays together and stays together.
- What is your favourite Idea of Holidaying?
My favorite idea of holidaying is to have some personal time for yourself and with your family, apart from the world and any tension. A perfect holiday cannot be only expensive one, but it can be any place where one can find itself and one can find peace within itself. A holiday for me should be full of memories and the thought of which can be enjoyed even after years.
- Why you are participating in Mrs India Earth?
I want to reward the womanhood and I love such beauty pageants bcos it gives pride and grace to the woman. Though from childhood I was very attracted toward glamour world, never got opportunity to do something in that area. I have been able to achieve success in other fields but this platform will give me opportunity where I can voice out my opinion for global and social level issues.
- What bothers you most about what is happening in the country today?
The most disturbing part of the country is the upcoming crime scenes of RAPE. So many rapes are reported on every day basis and still the rapist moves around freely. We talk about womanhood and saving girl child, but if the girl has to suffer all this nuisance then why are we making awareness of saving girl child. I strictly believe there should be strict law for the rapist and they should never think of RAPE even in their bad dreams. Every woman should be seen up with respect bcos they do not deserve anything less than that.
- The Quote or saying that encourages you?
BORN TO WIN – This is the quote I have been always looking upto and every time I reiterate it, it gives me lot of energy and a positive energy. It gives me strength to fight the world against any sort of hindrances. Born to win, gives me power and light to go ahead towards my life goals and gives me dedication to achieve the same. It reminds me that I was born to discover and prove myself and it reminds me to make my parents proud who has giving birth to me and given me chance to see this life.BORN TO WIN – This is the quote I have been always looking upto and every time I reiterate it, it gives me lot of energy and a positive energy. It gives me strength to fight the world against any sort of hindrances. Born to win, gives me power and light to go ahead towards my life goals and gives me dedication to achieve the same. It reminds me that I was born to discover and prove myself and it reminds me to make my parents proud who has giving birth to me and given me chance to see this life.
- What is true “Sportsmanship†for you?
Sportsmanship cannot be only related to sports, but sportsmanship can be seen in each human being in our day to day lives. Sportsmanship relates to ones attitude and behavior in their life. A good sportsmanship is when you follow your rules and regulations, is when you are happy in others happiness, is when you see failure in positive way and learn many things out of your failure, is the one who is disciplined in his life.
- If you were selected as a Charity Ambassador what Value addition would you like to make for our Society and how?
We have been always taught to share 1/10th of your earning with the poor and under privileged people. So im sure if I get this opportunity I will want to make more and more people aware about the charity and I will ensure that the amount reaches the right people, bcos there are many NGO’s who still does not pass entire amount to the needy people and the right people. I will first start with helping new born babies to get proper nutrition bcos if our young generation is facing malnutrition and under nutrition then what are we talking about future of India. Next step would be proper education for the kids so that we are rest assured that India will be in safe hands.