Mrs. M Choudhary
- A Brief about yourself and how you describe your own Personality and Persona.
From an under confident child to a successful principal and passionate educator, my journey had its own ups and downs. I started as a Asst Teacher and have risen to being a principal within 7 years. I have a persona that commands respect instantly. I consider myself having fairly charming personality as confirmed by my colleagues from time to time. I am presently a successful woman both in my personal as well as professional life. I have excelled in all areas including dance, sports and academics. I believe in greater good of society through team work and my present occupation gives the opportunity to do exactly the same.
- Your Achievements that makes you feel high.
I was married at the age of 20 when I was pursuing my graduation. With my own determination and support from my life partner, I am now a principal at very reputed school of Rajkot. Qualification wise I have degrees of MSc (Child Development), MA (English), B Ed. I have qualified for NET and SLET (Lecturership competitive exams) both. I have achieved all this after my marriage, micromanaging all my family responsibilities.
- Define the true beauty.
Beauty is actually a wholesome concept. I would consider a person beautiful if one gives one’s best to life and contribute in some way to the betterment of society. Physically, a person who is fit would be considered beautiful by me, taking care of one’s own health.
- What makes a complete, healthy and happy family for you?
In fact, I have a complete, healthy and happy family. A loving and supporting husband, two radiant and mischievous kids, supportive in laws make my family complete.
- What is your favourite Idea of Holidaying?
My favourite idea of holidaying would be resting for 4-5 days with my husband at some beach resort getting lost in the local culture.
- Why you are participating in Mrs India Earth?
To explore myself and my abilities. I believe that life is ultimately a quest to find oneself and this is again an opportunity for me to do so.
- What bothers you most about what is happening in the country today?
Lack of Life skills teaching in our education system. Nowadays, modern life has become too challenging and stressful leading to frustration, intolerance and hopelessness among the youth. Imparting life skills to our children will equip them to face the frantic pace of the modern world.
- The Quote or saying that encourages you?
The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep.
- What is true “Sportsmanship†for you?
Sportsmanship is never giving up, teamwork and accepting failures as lessons.
- If you were selected as a Charity Ambassador what Value addition would you like to make for our Society and how?
Being an educationist I would like to promote skill based education in a big way including life skills as a mandatory part of school as well as college education.