Mrs. P M Tiwari
- A Brief about yourself and how you describe your own Personality and Persona.
My manner is quiet, as a rule, and this quality gives me the appearance of being strong and determined. I do not say as much as I think and while I am thinking, I am logical. I am highly sympathetic, which makes me a good friend. I have a persona of confidence and optimism. Which motivate me for the things will turn out well and have the ability to make this come to pass. I have faith and a philosophical attitude toward life which helps me through many trials and gives me the greatest potential for achieving happiness, beyond this I have innocence of a child, which pushes me to learn new things, love & value each & everything gifted by the nature. According to me happiness is our own creation, create happiness inside & share with everyone outside is the rule of my life. I try to convert each & every situation as an opportunity for me & the people around me. I believe in helping people by train/develop them mentally (Long term) rather than helping them financially (Short Term), so that they can develop themselves & can live happily with what they have.
- Your Achievements that makes you feel high
My Achievements started on that day when I came on this earth. The way I take everything in my life is an achievement for me because there are so many people on this earth, who do not have the things, I have or I have achieved in my life whether it’s my Parents, my education, my personal Life, Professional Life & the very specially my inner beauty(perception) to see the world.
- Define the true beauty.
According to me, true beauty is positive thought process because what we think, it reflects in our actions & physical appearance, so true beauty start with the positive thoughts & culminate to the good deeds & Vivacious personality. Positive Thought (input) -> Actions (Process) -> Personality (Output)
- What makes a complete, healthy and happy family for you?
The base for Happy & complete family is to love & care. Family, where we appreciate the individual’s Ideas & start to accept the different mindsets will be a happy Family. The day when we don’t try to control others & give everyone right to say & do, what they want we are giving a good base to our family.
- What is your favourite Idea of Holidaying?
I prefer to spend my holidays with my family near the nature. As I am Quiet & creative personality so every time I want to explore a new peaceful place with my Family.
- Why you are participating in Mrs India Earth?
God blessed me with Internal as well as external Beauty so I would like to take this opportunity as a god’s wish. This platform will add a great value to my further life. I shall be very happy to reach this platform; fortunately I can extend my hands to the needy people & can contribute to our society. I would be very grateful of this pageant, if I can make the small changes in the life of others with the help of this platform.
- What bothers you most about what is happening in the country today?
(Education system) - we should develop our people on behavioral skills along with the technical skills; there are so many successful People who did extremely well in their life with the help of their behavioral skills. We should never forget that (Man is a social animal) so we should never compromise with our moral values, (love, care,trust,sympathy,empathy,kindness, compassion) because where ever we shall go on this universe, we shall have to deal with humans, so by educating our people in this way, we can create our country a happy go lucky family.
- The Quote or saying that encourages you?
Inspirational Quote by Swami Vivekananda - The greatest religion is to be true to your nature. Have faith in yourself!!!
- What is true “Sportsmanship†for you?
True Sportsmanship: - I believe in win-win approach, Fairness, Self-control, encouraging others attitude. As( Win-Win) situation cannot applicable in all aspects of life so we should have passion to win the game but in case of defeat, we should learn the lessons from our failure & at the time of winning, we should behave well to sustain our success & give the advantage of your success to others.
- If you were selected as a Charity Ambassador what Value addition would you like to make for our Society and how?
I would like to help my society by developing the positive mindset among people. As we are in the age of transformation, if our youngster will grow with the right mindset & attitude, they can achieve what they want in life. With the help of my leadership qualities’, I shall persuade & motivate the people for the good cause. This will help to create auspicious surroundings for entire human Fraternity & will create our country as a better place to live.