Mrs. O S Chanu
- A Brief about yourself and how you describe your own Personality and Persona.
"Simple living and high thinking," it's all what I can say about myself. I am a lady police by profession and I love to serve the people and nation as a whole. I am a mother of two sons Albert and Ayushman. I am 34 years old young, energetic and a responsible mother.I am adventurous, optimistic, change loving and straightforward. I believe in honesty, hard work and dedication.
I have pursued my graduation in sociology honours from Manipur University. I was the NCC parade commander of North Eastern Region Republic Day contingent 2003 and parade commander of Delhi police raising day ,2007.
I love to make new friends and learn new ideas and experiences. I love to travel new places and enjoy the beauty of this mother earth.
- Your Achievements that makes you feel high.
An Achievement is not only the rewards or awards. It's something that I define as the eternal satisfactions that I receive from my deeds and hard work.
When I became a mother for the first time and the warm smile that I got on my face was an achievement that makes me felt high. I do also believe nurturing children being a single mother and holding their hand confidently and independently as a father and as a mother is also an achievement for all the mother in the universe.
Being a lady police, I help the widows,divorcees and helpless women who are the victims of domestic violence, making them more strong and more confident. I felt high and satisfied.
- Define the true beauty.
A true beauty is having a beautiful heart, a beautiful heart is a kind hearted, loving, caring and sharing to others. A true beauty is the inner state of mind which evolve when there is a sense of satisfaction, self respect, self confident, self esteemed of oneself.
True Beauty is about good moral character. True beauty lies more on action than physical appearances. A good act done by a person is ever remembered by people even after she or he dies. Maintaining a good personal hygiene with clean surroundings adds meaning to the true beauty. I quote the saying " Cleanliness is next to God " based on this theme maintaining a personal hygiene makes us feel like spiritual purity and divinely.
- What makes a complete, healthy and happy family for you?
A complete, healthy and happy family is having a mutual understanding, trust and respect among the family members. A happy family needs love, caring, sharing, learning, solving and growing together with other members. Mother plays a vital role in maintaining the family.
The most important thing in family is integrity rather than money. Money can do many things but not all. It is essential for running a smooth family like providing education and healthy food to the children etc. for complete, healthy and happy family.
A clean and healthy ambience would reflect healthy and happy family.
- What is your favorite Idea of Holidaying?
Holidaying is about a vacation from the hectic scheduled of work.It gives us an opportunity to spend quality time with family, friends and relatives. It rejuvenates, recreates or refreshes our body and mind.
It is about travelling to different places and feel the different cultures and traditions of new places. And appreciate the new ideas, thoughts and beliefs of the local people, taste local cuisines, wear traditional attires and enjoy the cultural diversities. It gives an immense energy when we get back to work after a break of holidaying, with refreshed and renovated mind we could concentrate well and gives progressive work.
- Why you are participating in Mrs. India Earth ?
Mrs India is highly respectable title for married women. This encourages me to participate and explore my potential of social responsibility to contribute towards the society. This platform will be an example and opportunity to all women to determine themselves and break the social barriers and take part in social activities. This will remove the social taboos against women and promote gender equality.
After this title, I would be more exposed and more responsible to contribute towards the society and take up the following viz. Providing free education, health care awareness programmes, tree plantation programmes and AIDS awareness programme etc.
- What bothers you most about what is happening in the country today?
Our country has a huge number of youths and people who are energetic and productive, due to poverty and lack of education and guidance , they are using narcotic drugs, tobacco, alcohol and suffering from many diseases. They need proper guidance,education, healthcare, financial support and employment for meaningful life.
Environmental pollution is another major issues in the country and the world. It has seriously effected our health, lives and other living being. We need to be cautious and take measures to control by planting trees, proper disposal of plastics, polythenes. Reduce, Recycle and Reuse of wastes, reduction of use of automobile vehciles and shift to eco friendly public transport.
Other issues like domestic violence, injustice and suppression of human rights etc are prevalent. These issues need to be addressed by providing awareness and taking measures.
- The Quote or saying that encourages you?
The Quote or saying that encourages me the most is " Hardships and challenges are the best virtues to learn from and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful".
This saying encourages and supports me whenever I face the challenges and difficulties of life. We all are facing many problems one or another, we learn new lessons and experiences. Overcoming them gives us a meaningful and successful life. Success is the result of perfection and hard work, learning from failure, loyalty and persistance.
- What is true “Sportsmanship†for you?
Sportsmanship means treating others fairly, respect for others, maintaining self control while dealing with others. The term is related to sports and players.
Sportsmanship comes from cooperation, accepting responsibility, respect and cheers for good plays shown by others. It is an act of following rules and regulations, without breaking rules to gain goals of the game. It is about showing ethics, integrity and discipline while playing , accepting the act of defeat instead of blaming others, without making excuses.
It is about showing the spirit of sportsmanship rather than taking personal when there is injury while playing.
- If you were selected as a Charity Ambassador what Value addition would you like to make for our Society and how?
With the help of like minded people and NGOs, I would like to help and support the widows, divorcees and helpless women who are victims of domestic violence in correlation with women help desk cell. Supporting them physically, mentally and financially and make them feel strong, empowered and more confident.
With the help of community members and school children, I would like to initiate tree plantation programme and cleaning the surrounding, collecting plastics bags and polythenes and dumping them in proper place to dispose off later. Making everyone aware of environmental pollution and its effects on health and social lives. Spreading awareness about importance of trees and making environment a pollution free to give clean air to breathe.
With the help of womenfolk, spreading awareness about health and mensturational hygiene to young girls and other women.