Christina Alexander
- A Brief about yourself and how you describe your own personality and persona.
An obedient and respectful daughter, a compassionate and loving mom, a supportive and devoted wife, loyal and trustworthy friend and a true humane in every sense. Retailer and teacher by profession and a super mum to twin baby girls. I am an Avid reader and traveler and absolutely enjoy cooking, baking and gardening I love watching Sports and believe in staying fit and healthy. A true patriot and daughter of my country, I believe in contributing to its welfare and progress. For me sophistication and simplicity run parallel. The characteristics that portray my personality :- I am a positive thinker, an opportunist and expeditious decision maker. Honesty, Discipline and Leadership are the qualities which have been imbibed in me by my parents since childhood. Adaptability, versatility and perseverance define who I am today. I have had my share of good and not so good experiences but these have made me Brave, compassionate and caring. My life's journey has been good. I value it and thank the almighty for this beautiful gift of life.
- Your Achievements that makes you feel high.
I take pride in saying I am a natural leader. I was professionally given the opportunity to head a team in a Retail Industry wherein I successfully led my team to achieve their personal as well as organisational goals. My academic qualifications B.Sc and MBA(marketing) in which I excelled definitely gave me the much needed insight to kick start my career. I also had the opportunity to teach in a school (9th - 11th grade) wherein I could impart knowledge to young minds and help them shape their careers. This profession definitely gave me a sense of achievement. Being an honest, responsible, disciplined and true humane everyday gives me a internal satisfaction and sense of personal achievement as well. Being a true patriotic citizen of my country fills me with pride. I am proud of my accomplishments but definitely choose to be humble and grounded at the same time. Being of finalist of Mrs India earth in itself is one of my greatest achievements lately and a opportunist and go getter that I am I will strive to achieve my ultimate goal.
- Define the true beauty.
For me True beauty is when outer and inner beauty harmonize together. Outer beauty is a reflection of true inner beauty. Having a compassionate heart, A beautiful soul and a good character reflects in One's outer beauty. A woman needs to have a kind and gentle heart which automatically radiates on her natural beauty. Having outer beauty is a gift but having an inner beauty is by choice. Being comfortable in your own perfect imperfections in itself defines who you really are a confident, beautiful and genuine human being. So, accept who you are and try to establish a perfect balance between your outer and inner beauty which then exemplifies your own true beauty
- What makes a complete, healthy and happy family for you?
A family that leans on each other in happy and sad times, who love spending time together, laugh together, cry together and eat together is a healthy and a happy family. Core values and qualities like love, honesty, generosity, humour, wisdom, compassion and spirituality which brings a family together. Empathy and forgiveness are two major qualities that should be followed religiously in order to maintain harmony in a family.
- What is your favorite Idea of Holidaying?
My Idea of holidaying would be traveling to a place which brings peace, joy, relaxation, good food and ambiance. The joy of being amongst your loved ones laughing, singing, playing and sharing together the beautiful moments of life. I enjoy traveling and love exploring new places within and outside the national/international boundaries so for me whichever destination one chooses, it should be a holiday worth making memories of.
- Why you are participating in Mrs India Earth?
It is my honor and privilege to be a part of this prestigious beauty pageant.The beauty of this pageant that strikes me the most is" it gives women the opportunity to realise their potential and live their dreams." I strongly feel I possess the qualities to be a role model and inspiration to women all over. Women look up to women and for me women empowerment is very close to my heart and as a participant, being face of this pageant I would love to reach out to women and encourage them to i) Educate themselves and their children ii) Importance of employment iii) Their decision making abilities iv) Social status/ improvement in standard of living As a child every little girl has a dream of wearing a Tiara and a Sash .Well, I am no different and had the same dream but now that I have been given this opportunity I will strive to do my best and achieve my ultimate goal. HCWA works not only for women and children but through this Pageant urges every citizen of the country to contribute to the mother nature by taking responsibility for their actions and SAVE OUR PLANET EARTH. So, using this platform I would love to be associated with this organisation and contribute to the best of my abilities in whatever way that I can for the causes that involve children, women and betterment of society as a whole.
- What bothers you most about what is happening in the country today?
Being a true patriot of this country I am proud of what my country has achieved in past 10-15 years and where it stands today globally. But there are always two sides of a coin. The two aspects that bothers me the most are i) GLOBAL WARMING :- It worries me the most that there will be no natural resources left for our coming generations .With the pace with which we pollute our mother earth, use water and electricity, cut trees, use non degradable products it will be impossible for a coming generations to survive and that our planet will be unfit for habitation. ii) WOMEN EMPOWERMENT :- I feel a lot needs to be done to encourage women to live their lives by dreaming and achieving their dreams. Women need to rely on certain things like education, employment, decision making abilities and their improvement of standard of living in order to enjoy their independence and have a sense of security. If women get their Independence I am sure it will lead to dissolving of many other major issues like safety and security of women and children, domestic violence , female feticide etc.
- The quote or saying that encourages you.
"When going gets tough the tough get going" I personally have gone through a very tough time in the past but today I stand tall and victorious. I have grown leaps and bounds since then and today I consider myself as a warrior. I personally feel, In order to achieve your goals,ambitions or dreams in life there will be many hardships and trials that may get in your way but a brave and ambitious person does not shy away but rather meets the challenges and overcome the hurdles in order to achieve his/her ultimate goal. I believe the taste of victory is sweetest if it is achieved with hard work, perseverance and dedication. Be a strong winner and a Challenger and not a quitter or a weakling.
- What is true “Sportsmanship” for you?
Winning and losing are indispensable part of life for me sportsmanship can be defined as a respectful and fair behavior not only towards your opponent's but your mentor's and for the sport/ event as well. Sportsman should accept his/her victory with humility and appreciate his/her fellow contestants. You wouldn't be declared a winner if you don't have any opponents. If you lose one should accept defeat gracefully and understand the fact that the winner was a bit better than you. It is important one Learns from their mistake and works hard towards improving the next time rather wailing and whining. I too posses a healthy dose of competitive spirit as it helps me to work harder in order to achieve my ultimate goal. But if I ever lose I would choose to accept my defeat gracefully and work harder the next time over.
- If you were selected as a Charity Ambassador what Value addition would you like to make for our Society and how?
If I were selected as Charity Ambassador I would work towards two major causes that are very close to my heart i) Message :- I would like to use this platform to voice my message to urge every citizen of this country to contribute to the society by simply following basic rules of life such as follow traffic rules, limit your use of paper and plastics use of trash bins, plant trees around your house, save water and electricity ,save fuel, and try to adhere to the concept of 3 R'S ( REDUCE, RECYCLE, REUSE) These rules do not need any resources like money, extra efforts or time it is just a routine a discipline that can be followed by every individual and be taught the same to our children as well. Let's try to be an example for other's.