Mrs. V R Puri
- A Brief about yourself and how you describe your own Personality and Persona.
My name is Vaishali Rana Puri.I have been married for 21 years.I have a daughter aged 19 years.I got married at the age of 19 hence most of my life has revolved around my family.I did my schooling from Sacred Heart Dalhousie andThe Lawrence School Sanawar.I was a sportsperson in school and excelled in athletics,gymnastics and also played chess.I describe myself as an introvert but not essentially a stereotype introvert.I do enjoy meeting people and visiting new places.I acquaint easily but take a little while longer to make friends.I'm a hardcore optimist and believe in the silver linings.
- Your Achievements that makes you feel high
As I mentioned I got married at a young age hence could not complete my education but that never stopped me from exploring.In 1996 I worked for Pagelink,a pager company as a junior assistant in the public relations.After having worked for an year I started my own placement consultancy.Due to unavoidable circumstances we had to move back to Pathankot.I started a kindergarten and ran it successfully for 4 years. Now I help my husband with his business as and when required.So in all I'm proud to have tried my hand at various things successfully .
- Define the true beauty.
BEAUTY LIES IN THE EYES OF THE BEHOLDER.....There is no greater beauty than a child for his/her mother.If anyone was to see through the eyes of a mother then the most flawless and pure beauty is her own creation.she cannot fathom anything more perfect and more beautiful and this love of a mother for her born is in my eyes the true definition of beauty. This beauty supersedes all and every beauty because it's born from the very heart of nature.
- What makes a complete, healthy and happy family for you?
A complete,healthy and a happy family is where every member has an equal role to play,where there are more examples set for generation next through practice rather than preach.Where every member has immense respect for each other and anything done for each other is because of love and respect rather than fear and compulsion.A healthy mind makes a healthy body,likewise a healthy atmosphere makes a healthy mind and create responsible and compassionate adults.Balance is the key to health, happiness and prosperity.
- What is your favourite Idea of Holidaying?
Holidaying is always fun and very looked forward to.It is not the destination that matters but the company that makes a holiday worth remembering.I have always wanted to go for a holiday with a group of people unknown to me.People belonging to different walks of life.While holidaying u also learn to be compatible with people unknown to u,and would be a treasure of knowledge and experience.
- Why you are participating in Mrs India Earth?
This is one of the most prestigious and respected platforms for any woman to display her talents and a great mine of knowledge,experience and exposure.I want to use this platform to RISE AND SHINE..RISE above my own expectations of me and SHINE so that so that I can be motivational to one and all.
- What bothers you most about what is happening in the country today?
The most worrisome problem which our country faces today is the security of its gentler gender,Today we are reaping what was sown centuries ago.We have created a man with a mindset that allows him to treat a woman as an object.The nurturer of life today lives in constant fear of harassment.Physical,mental and sexual assaults are becoming a common day occurrence and the government and society don't even bat an eyelid.I don't see this changing unless we bring up daughters to be stronger emotionally and physically and teach our son's to respect the opposite gender.
- The Quote or saying that encourages you?
NEVER GIVE IN...I have lived by this all my life because it was my school motto and at every low point in life,it gave me the courage to move on.NEVER GIVE IN,STRIVE TILL THE SET OF SUN...this is exactly what I intend doing.When I tire,I will rest not give up.
- What is true “Sportsmanship†for you?
WIN LIKE A CHAMPION, LOSE LIKE A WINNER...A true sportsman is one who takes his defeat as a challenge to rise and compete again. No cynism,No anger,No hatered just a will to bounce back with a stronger will and and broader smile.
- If you were selected as a Charity Ambassador what Value addition would you like to make for our Society and how?
If I was to become a charity ambassador,I would work toward the upliftment of the girl child. Even though the government is coming up with a lot of schemes but the ratio seems to be dropping alarmingly and the only way is education.I think this problem is bigger than we anticipate today because the future and safety of women in future is at stake. A drop in ratio can create a havoc in the society. I would work towards this through this platform provided by MRS INDIA EARTH.I would also join hands with a social organization like